Tuesday, January 30, 2018

The Logic of Illogical Joy: James 1:2

James 1:2 "See/regard/visualize/consider it as  ALL pure joy/occasions for rejoicing/gladness, my brothers, whenever you fall into various purifications [Refiner's Fire], because you know that the purifying of your persuasion [of who God really is, - HIS responsibility to accomplish - Hebrews 12:3] develops patient waiting.  Patient waiting must complete its work, that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything [in your being formed into His image]."

In our humanity it seems quite illogical to have joy/gladness about things that are painful in life and in ourselves (pain, scarcity, disease, death, wars, brutality, etc. etc.) but James 1:2 enjoins us to "see/regard/visualize/consider it ALL pure joy/gladness".  So how is it logical to do so (and how can one be able to do so)?

I find that the tool of visualizing all that I see and experience in my life and all that I see in the world within the context of it ALL being from the Hand of The Wise, All-Powerful Creator who IS LOVE (agape: Gr. perfect caring about and for) makes it logical to be content and even be glad about everything that exists, since ALL has been brought into existence/ordained by Him. 

There are various tools that develop my expertise at visualizing ALL from Him:  Scripture reading & study, other inspirational literature, inspirational music, dancing, singing, fellowship and encouragement from others, reaching out to others to tell them the really good news.  Different tools will minister more strongly to each person.  You will find what works for YOU and finding what supports your development of your "vision" by experimenting and Him showing you what He has designed that speaks to your heart.

Our evaluation of what occurs in our life and in the world is primarily and understandably oriented to our "fleshly"/earthbound human needs, fears, pains (as ordained by Him as part of His process for each of us as individuals.

It takes practice to develop the orientation that all that we see in ourselves and in this world is God working out His will of creating a race of spiritual, eternal beings (ALL humanity) that will be his "bride", his companion, one with Him through eternity.

2 Corinthians 4:18 "so we look not at the things which are seen, but at the things which are not seen: for the things which are seen are earthly/temporary; but the things which are not seen are eternal."

Isaiah 45:6-7 "I am the I AM Always AM and there is NO other.  Forming light AND creating darkness; causing well -being AND creating calamity.  I am the I AM Always Am who does ALL these.

Psalm 131:2 "I have calmed and quieted my soul (being/personhood).  Like a young (weaned) child in its mother's arms, I am content."

Once we have strengthened this practice, this kind of vision, it is LOGICAL to have contentment and, yes, at times even joy as we see His Hand as giving ALL.

  • How good is your spiritual vision in this way?
  • How do you support it becoming stronger?
  • Are there any exceptions in you or in your life to seeing ALL as His gift (often in very difficult packages for our "fleshly" selves)? Can you look at ALL that is painful or difficult for you or the world and practice putting it in this context?
  • How can you improve your vision that ALL is from Him (what speaks to you to build this up in you)?

It's very O.K.  - in fact part of the process of what He has Ordained for your creation into His image - for you to go back & forth in this process (pushups of falling into the "flesh" and pushing up into the spiritual view.  When you are angry, despairing, questioning, "sinful" (Greek: missing the mark of His perfection) about what you see/experience in "the flesh", that is part of His perfect process ordained for you individually also.  And it is important to praise Him for all of what you don't like in yourself also, another way of reinforcing your contentment/joy in even that, seeing nothing as outside of His ordained perfect will and timing in each of our formation.  Isaiah 64:8 "But O I AM Always Am, You are our Father.  We are the clay and you the Former (Potter) and the work of Your Hand are we ALL":).


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