
"With God ALL Things are Possible."

"Aslan, Lion of Judah"

"The Next Best Christmas Ever"

"...You are Mine"

"I AM Saves [Jah Sua], the Author and Finisher of our Faith (Persuasion)"
"Underneath are the Everlasting Arms."

"Anointed with the Oil of Gladness"

"Whoever Humbles Himself as this Child is Greatest in the Kingdom of Heaven"
"Elijah: My God the I AM Always AM"
"Love Never Fails"

"You are Perfect, Since Your Father in Heaven is Perfect"
"For From Out of Him and Through Him and Into Him is ALL"

"From Love and Grace"

"How Beautiful You Are, My Darling!  Oh, How Beautiful!"
"Always Sisters 1920"
"We Were Brothers 1926"
"Let Your Light So Shine..."
"His Tara"

"The I AM Always AM Will Keep You From ALL Harm"



  1. I am so inspired by your art work. Put more up please!

  2. All your art work is very beautiful! We treasure the drawing of Amanda you did.Thank you! Love, Andrea & Amanda


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