All Humanity at the Eternal Party
           A Brief Definition and Brief History of Universal Reconciliation/Christian      
                 Universalism, With Following List of Some Additional Resources

Brief Definition: The terms "Universal Reconciliation" and "Christian Universalism" contain the concept of Universal Salvation/Eternal life for all mankind.  It is the hope and trust in the plan that God revealed in the scriptures: that all mankind will ultimately be given eternal and joyful life with him.  This plan was prophesied through the Old Testament, and reported in the New Testament as accomplished by God through the work of His Son, Jesus of Nazareth (fully God and fully human), the Messiah (Anointed).

John 19:30 “It is finished/accomplished/repaid.”

Romans 5:18 "Consequently, just as the result of one trespass was condemnation for ALL men, so also the result of one act of righteousness was justification that brings life for ALL men."

Romans 11:36 …for from out of Him and through Him and into Him is ALL.

Wikipedia Definition and Brief History: Christian Universalism is a school of Christian theology which includes the belief in the doctrine of universal reconciliation, the view that all human beings and all fallen creatures will ultimately be restored to right relationship with God in Heaven.

The term "Christian Universalism" was used in the 1820s by Russell Streeter of the Christian Intelligencer of Portland - a descendant of Adams Streeter who had founded one of the first Universalist Churches in September 14, 1785.   Christian Universalists believe this was the most common interpretation of Christianity in Early Christianity, prior to the 6th century.  Christians from a diversity of denominations and traditions believe in the tenets of this belief system, such as the reality of an afterlife without the possibility of eternal presence in hell.

As a Christian denomination, Christian Universalism originates in the late 18th century with the Universalist Church of America. There is currently no single denomination uniting Christian Universalists, but a few denominations teach some of the principles of Christian Universalism or are open to them.

Additional by June: During the years following the 1800s, The Christian Universalist Church of America drifted farther from the doctrine of all humans having been reconciled to God through Jesus, the Messiah, and moved more and more toward socialistic humanism with the focus on living "good" lives in this world, finally formally uniting with the Unitarian church in 1960 which also held the latter view.  Thus becoming the Unitarian Universalist Church, which is currently primarily adverse to Christian doctrine.  Although there is currently not a distinct single organized "denomination" uniting Christian Universalists, with the advent of the internet, Christian Universalists or those interested in exploring the possibility of Universal Salvation and scriptural support for that doctrine are locating each other and finding growth and fellowship.

SOME RELATED RESOURSES: Be assured that there is as much variation between Christian Universalists doctrinally as within traditional Christian denominations, so the reader should always seek the Living Word/Logos and the Authority of the Light given to them personally, rather than trusting any human's opinion/translation/interpretation.  Since God ordains ALL, the amount of the Light that any of us has at any time is ordained and given by Him.  And "we ALL see as through a mirror darkly" until we meet Him face-to-face.

The Interlinear Bible [Hebrew-Greek-English] – Jay P. Green, General Editor and translator –Hendrickson Publishers (Hebrew text is the Masoretic text set in 1866 by the British and Foreign Bible study; The Greek Text is the “Received Text” c 1976 by the Trinitarian Bible Society, London England)
Analytical Greek Lexicon of the New Testament Associated Publishers and Authors, Inc.
Strong’s Exhaustive Concordance of the Bible Mendenhall Sales, Inc.

100 Scriptural Proofs that Jesus Christ is the Savior of ALL Mankind, Thomas Whittemore, 1840

Other books that I personally have found particularly helpful/inspirational:
Dropping Hell and Embracing Grace, Ivan Rogers
Hope Beyond Hell, Gerald Beauchemin
The Unselfishness of God, Hannah Whitall Smith (born 1832; died 1911), details her spiritual autobiography, including her becoming convinced of Universal Salvation through Christ.  However, the chapters in her original manuscript (1903) detailing her coming to that conviction, were edited out by a “traditional” Christian publishing house when the book was reprinted in the 1980s.  The 1903 manuscript is available as free download on googlelibrary.org (classics) Particularly see chapters XXI, XXII, XXIII.
The God of All Comfort, Hannah Whitall Smith. An amazing and thorough explanation about the nature/character/purposes of God and the capacity in each individual to substantially ameliorate their human fears and the terrible ripples that are generated by those fears in their own life and those who their life touches, by practicing the vision/hope in that kind of God.
Mere Christianity, C.S. Lewis
More Than a Carpenter, Josh McDowell
Evidence that Demands a Verdict, Josh McDowell
Lessons from the Light, What We Learn from the Near-Death Experience, Kenneth Ring, Ph.D and Evelyn Elsaesser Valarino (Wonderfully logical, well researched as well as being beautifully poetic in describing what awaits us. June

Online resources:
Online Study Tools:
Multi-purpose study sites:

Bibles, Greek & Hebrew lexicons, commentaries, concordances, dictionaries, etc.
http://www.biblestudytools.com  - At this site see biblestudytools.com/ylt (Young's Literal Translation, 1892) for downloadable ISL (Interlinear Scripture Analyzer), the Bible word for word with Hebrew translation in the Old Testament and Greek translation in the New Testament, with easy process of finding words via chapter and verse.  The YLT has some limitations in that it does not take some key words to the original languages, but the tool is a useful one if this is kept in mind.
Online Multi-Version Bible:

Study Bible w/ study & translators notes:

Rare & obscure translations & study guides:

Bible Topical Search Tools:

For further information and resources contact June :  wowjune@aol.com  


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