Monday, March 7, 2016


Psalm 23: 1 “The I AM Always AM (YHWH) is my Shepherd; I shall not lack.”

If we accept or experiment with accepting this scripture as true, there are huge implications for how we view and experience this life.
If a completely loving, completely wise, completely omniscient and omnipotent God is my (our) “Shepherd”, and provides everything that is for my best good at every moment, then there is no moment that I am lacking anything that is for my best good.

If I accept that The Eternal Shepherd is my provider and I have no lack, how should I view things in myself and in my life, and the life of the world that, to my earthly eyes and judgments do not seem to be for my/the best good?  And if I accept that Eternal Shepherd is the Shepherd of each and every human being, how should I view:

·         My own or another's moral failures
·         My own or another's physical or mental health
·         My own or another's material well-being
  • My own or another's spiritual condition (health, maturity, acceptability to the Creator)
·         My education, my genetics, the effect of my family of origin on my temperament or character or life history (and applying the same to all other human beings)
·         My own or another's sexuality (whether or not I or others view a human's sexuality as culturally or “religiously” “responsible”/moral)
·         The effect on me or others of world hunger, wars, cruelty, morality, criminality, natural disasters, etc. etc.
A strong companion scripture for Psalm 23: 1 is Isaiah 64:8 “But now, I AM Always AM (YHWH), You are our Father; we are the clay and You are our Former; and we ALL are the work of YOUR Hand.”
So, are any of those bulleted items above (in myself, others, or the world) “lacks”?  Or has my Shepherd, my Father perfectly formed me and everyone and provided for me and everyone for HIS greater purposes and plan, and it is only my earthly view, ordained by Him for this time that is “lacking”?

“The I AM Always AM is my/our Shepherd.  I/we have no lack.”
Therefore, my challenge is to “always give thanks for everything” (Ephesians 5:20) that He has, is, and will provide in myself, all others, and all the world – past, present and future.

What a different view of myself and others this is!  But what peace, what joy, what rest, what awareness and practice of His care...and how I can then apply that care to all human beings!

“ plan of Yours can be thwarted/hindered.” Job 42:2


  1. Excellent beginning of a very impressive blog. Looking forward to more of your creative thoughts. ~ Ivan A. Rogers

    1. As alwasy, your wonderful writing cause me to pray and ponder on your thoughts. What a gift you have for bringing light to what are often "difficuolt topics"for morals such as myself. May I share your blog with others? With love and gratitude.Terry


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