Monday, August 14, 2017

To Know, To Not Know, To Hope and "Act as If"

The following are my comments triggered by reading the book, 10 Things Your Minister Wants to Tell You (But Can’t Because He Needs the Job) written by Rev Oliver “Buzz” Thomas.  Reverend Thomas gives his own answers to his posed questions, appearing to believe that he “Knows”* the “true” answer to each question  – At the same time criticizing (and often criticizing to the extent of distain) the answers that others who purport that they “Know”* the “true” answers to the questions (often seeming to act as if their answers are rather ignorant compared to his).

One of my associates asked me to look over this book and give him my impressions about the answers.  This grew rather larger than I anticipated, but then, when I sit down to write, that is most often the case.

SECTION I: MY initial response to the questions in the book, based on my, admittedly limited understanding of science, historical theology and current “spiritual” and religious groups’ ideas - follows.  After that I have placed a Section II It includes the same questions but gives my own personal, individual view of these questions based on my own logic, theological studies, emotional needs and pathway in this difficult life – particularly the need for HOPE beyond this “veil of tears” and this “valley of the shadow of death”:

1.       How did it all begin? (ie the beginning of the universe/creation)


No one “Knows”*.  There are many “theories”, both scientific and theological, none of which are sufficiently “provable” to say that any of us “Knows”*


2.       Why are we here?


If you are answering from a material/scientific view, there is no way of answering or even addressing this question.  It is completely unanswerable with the scientific process which is the basis of all scientific effort to answer any question. 


If one is attempting to answer from a theological view, there are many speculations in religious writing through recorded history and currently by a multitude of individuals.  But none of these theological speculations is “provable”.  So it is erroneous for anyone to say that they “Know”* that their theological view is the one that is “truth”.


3.       What is the Bible?


It is a compilation of writings by individuals to attempt to record both historical events AND record their “best guess” about the motives and methods of the “Creator”, that they purport to be the only God that exists, and many (although less in our modern time period) purport that He is “Sovereign” i.e. Ordains ALL that occurs for His Pleasure and Purposes, is Good, is ALL Powerful, ALL Wise, ALL Knowing, Eternally Existent and IS LOVE.


 Many also believe (confidently say that they (“Know”*) the Bible to have been dictated, word for word by God to the writer without any error. There is a great deal of difference (which I can discuss) between the Bible being “without error” for God’s Ultimate Purposes and “without error” for purposes of historical recording or “without error” in any one person’s translation and interpretation of its meaning.  Remember that if God is there, He ordained (my position) that the Jews would erroneously interpret their scriptures to the extent that they would expect the “Messiah” to be completely different in presentation and purpose that He turned out to be according to the New Testament (again, as interpreted by current fundamentalist Christians).  He presented so differently than the establishment Jewish authorities expected that they killed Him (again, as ordained by God – my position) for God’s purposes.


In our modern era, there are many who use verses in the Bible to support various (and often VERY different interpretations).  But these individuals/groups are also no more able to “prove” ie “Know”* that their interpretations are THE truth.


4.       Is there really such a thing as a miracle?


The Oxford Dictionary defines the word “miracle” as: “A surprising and welcome event that is not explicable by any natural or scientific laws and is therefore considered to be the work of a divine agency.”


Theologians typically say that, with divine providence, God regularly works through nature yet, as a Creator, is free to work without, above, or against it as well. The possibility and probability of miracles are then equal to the possibility and probability of the existence of God.


A true miracle would, by definition, be a non-natural phenomenon, leading many rational and scientific thinkers to dismiss them as physically impossible (that is, requiring violation of established laws of physics within their domain of validity, or impossible to confirm by their nature  - because all possible physical mechanisms can never be ruled out).


By some, the word "miracle" is often used more loosely, to characterize any beneficial event that is statistically unlikely but not contrary to the laws of nature, such as surviving a natural disaster, or simply a "wonderful" occurrence, regardless of likelihood, such as a birth. Other examples of this might be: survival of an illness diagnosed as terminal, escaping a life-threatening situation or 'beating the odds'.  


As with questions 1-3, the answers are consistently from the view/interpretation of the individual.  So, we cannot “Know”* if there are “miracles”.  We can hope, we can be theologically persuaded (the Greek word from which the Biblical English word “faith” has been translated) ie accept it on “faith”.  But we cannot “Know” * since it is not provable (repeatedly & reliably duplicated/demonstrated scientifically).  And those who accept it on “persuasion/faith” via their theological construct cannot “Know” *either.


5.       How do I please God?


Another issue that it is impossible to “Know”*.


The question is another not answerable by science since it too is not subject to exploration via the “scientific process”.


But anyone who would even ask the question from a “spiritual” viewpoint, based on theology, philosophy, or experientially must first “assume” the existence of a “god”, and then must make a multitude of assumptions about his nature/identity/operation/goals/methods, etc.  People who claim there is a “god” base it on many foundations: religious writings, intuitive leanings, teachings of others who claim to “Know”* the nature of the “god” or “gods” that exist. 


One example of the way in which those within the Judeo-Christian theological tradition (and there are a multitude of interpretations even within this tradition) might answer it with various Biblical quotations: “God does everything He pleases.” (Ps 115:3, Ps 135;6) “And God saw everything that he had made and it was very good.” (Gen 1:31) “I will accomplish all my good pleasure.” (Is 46:10-11) “No one can thwart Your will/desire.” (Job 42:2) “And for His pleasure we are created.”  (Col 1:6, Rev 4:11)


Still others may use Biblical quotations but do not view God as “Sovereign”, (tossing in “free will”, Satan, nature, etc. as competing forces) or build a concept of God using Biblical language, but do not view God as a “person” but more like a “hive mind”, individual spiritual leading, etc.


But the most important answer is: none of us “Know”*.  If any of us attempt to answer this question we do so with our individual speculation based on our theological, philosophical or experiential reading and or exploration.


If you generally accept the Biblical accounts of God’s nature/character, He doesn’t need us to please Him - He pleases Himself with everything He has made or that emanates from Him, including creating us and ALL of us being His Handiwork (Is 64:8)


6.       What about homosexuality?

·         Science – at this time scientific (behavioral/medical/biochemical) studies appear to indicate that homosexuality has its foundation in biochemical/organic brain structure that is present at birth

·         Theologically- Judeo-Christian-Islamic interpretations of their individual “holy” writings historically and currently, have often singled out homosexuality as a “sin” (Greek – missing the mark of God’s perfection – which, incidentally, we are told in the Christian accepted scriptures that we ALL “sin” –and that if we are “guilty” of even one “sin”, we are guilty of ALL – very few teachers or followers of the traditional Christian interpretations talk about this aspect) that is “worse” than a number of other “sins” that are judged to be not as “heinous”.  There are other groups within those religious genres that interpret those writings quite differently.  So it goes again to the core principle: none of “Knows”* with certainty the “right” or “wrong” of this issue and it is simply and only a matter of individual interpretation (unless a voice comes from the sky that we can all hear or unless a person can prove that they have information from “heaven” to give the final, authoritative declaration about it…and everything else we don’t Know*).

·         Other “spiritual” groups and individuals– seem to base their opinion about this on a mix of science, philosophy, psychology, and emotion.

·         As with all other previous questions, none of us “Know”*


7.       What about other faiths?


Of course, science has no way of addressing this question.  AND as with previous questions, no “faith” or “philosophy” can “Know”* whether they have THE truth although proponents of each may claim that they do.  To repeat, if someone comes that can repeatedly demonstrate powers beyond the normal, material world, OR if the sky rolls back and whoever/whatever is there speaks/communicates to mankind (anyone is disqualified if they are on psychiatric meds, need to be, or are making money or special prestige off their claims) what IS the Absolute Truth, NO ONE CAN “KNOW”*


8.       What about women?


Scientific information appears to support that there are significant biological differences in the sexes which influence brain chemistry and other physical characteristics, including in utero hormonal effects. There may also be differences that are genetically carried and passed down chromosomally.  Societies make determinations about roles of the sexes based on culture, history, changing laws, etc.  Beyond that, science and law can make no claim as to whether cultural generalizations and value judgements on gender are “right” from an “absolute truth” standpoint.


Various religious, philosophical and cultural groups have given opinions through their histories, based on their interpretations of their religious writings and/or philosophical/cultural opinions.  These have appeared to change over time depending on the interpretation of the era.  But none of their opinions are “provable”.


9.       What happens after we die?


Science has significant limitations in addressing this question; however, there have been interesting studies that appear to be well conducted, related to the “near death experience”.  My personal favorite reference is one with research gathered from the experience of many individuals and over many years.  It is a book titled, Lessons from the Light, by Kenneth Ring Ph.D. and Evelyn Elsaesser Valarmino.  I have used it for my own comfort, it having a logical and fact based approach related to what comes after this life, and I have lent and gifted the book to others (particularly who have faced imminent challenges to their own physical life or the physical life of others for whom they cared).


Each theological and philosophical group has its’ own take on this question based on its’ writings and interpretations of those writings.  And generally, each individual within any group has their own viewpoint/opinion that they may either voice, or not voice, depending on whether they feel safe to differ from the “party line” of their specific group.


10.   How will it all end?


Scientists may develop theories and speculate, and there may be attempts by individuals from the standpoint of their theology/religious writings/interpretation, and individuals positing from a philosophical or “spiritual” perspective.  But none of us can “Know”*.  As mentioned before, because all human beings live in a fearful world that ultimately appears to end in physical death for all of us, we put forth ideas, theories or “hopes” and in the religious/philosophical realm attempt to “Act as if” the “hopes” that we put forth are (or might be) true.  We ALL “whistle in the dark”.  Because it IS dark, and the only comfort is to whistle something especially because we can “prove” nothing and we are afraid.


*Be cautious of anyone who claims they “Know”…anything.


Science is always only based on repeatedly being able to “prove” a theory over & over again.  The best they can come up with is a repeatable experiment that they then label as a “theory”, and as with question #1, where they cannot repeatedly replicate “how it began”, theirs is speculation based on currently available scientific data and theories from mathematics, physics, biology etc.


 Theologies are based on writings (historical and poetic) that are also not subject to “proof” including “how it began” and the other questions in the series. 


As individuals, we can only take speculation from both science and theology, and come up with our own best guess about these issues. This is what every person actually does, but most will not admit that it is a “guess” and not provable as “fact”. 


So, none of us can “Know”.  But we do tend to use our best guesses to judge, feel superior to often even killing others who do not share them, comfort ourselves in the face of the unknowable questions - and raise money to support and propagate our view.


Unless someone comes along that can repeatedly & reliably work “miracles” without omission, (raising the dead, stopping the wind/storm, healing everyone who requests it, - there is no one who can sufficiently prove their credibility/authority to be able to say that they “Know” what is truth in these areas – beyond what is “provable” via the scientific process (and again, even that is only their current “best guess” using the scientific process, in any of these (and likely all) areas.


Section II: How I personally view these questions and why:

As I reviewed above, although none of us can “Know” the answer to any of these 10 questions (or related issues), as humans in a dangerous, painful world (that eventually appears to end in physical death for all of us), we all either strive to have a concept that gives us hope/comfort related to what lies beyond this life with which we can dull the pain of this dark & dreary reality OR we find ways of distracting ourselves (with a busy-ness of life, or dulling the pain with various pleasurable pursuits such as success, material possessions, excitement, usefulness in this life, other ego-support pursuits, sex, drugs/alcohol, etc).

The answer that I personally have found that works best for me is to “Act as If” the most wonderful deity and the most wonderful destiny exists for all of mankind.

Admittedly it is another version of “whistling in the dark”, but I find it gives me more peace, usefulness, diminishment of judgement of others, and a Great Hope – than any of the other options that I have considered.

In searching for what, to me, is the most logically and emotionally satisfying, what I have determined as having substantial historical substantiation, and which also satisfies my logic, I have found (my version/interpretation of ) Christian Universalism.   

For a broader explanation, I have published information on my path and rationale on my blog over the last two years:  You may particularly be interested in the article of 5/31/16 “If God Doesn’t Exist and You want to be Happy, Better Invent Him/Her – And Make Him/Her a Good One.”

But for the purpose of this article, I will try to briefly answer each of the prior 10 questions from the perspective of the conclusions and framework that I use.

The core of my framework is based on the concept that I mentioned earlier that I “Act as if” a single absolutely loving, absolutely wise, absolutely powerful, absolutely omniscient, eternally existent, Personal God created everything that exists and ordains all that occurs for His own joy and the ultimate joy and eternal existence of all that He has created.  Actually, although they would not see it as such, others who have a theological or “spiritual” concept on which they base their life-view, are also doing the same as I: “Acting as If” theirs is the concept that is “true” – in the absence of their ability to “Know”*.  But few, if any, would admit that is what they are doing.

Relevance to my interpretations of the Bible: As I stated above, I have adopted my “belief”/practice, based on seeking that which satisfies both my logic, my study, and my emotions.  I have specifically studied the New Testament in the original Greek, and to a lesser extent, the Old Testament for key words and passages, in Hebrew.  I am NOT a “scholar” in either of the languages but have much more experience in the New Testament Greek than the Old Testament Hebrew.  For a good argument for the historicity and validity of the Bible, the book, Evidence that Demands a Verdict by Josh McDowell, is one that I have found excellent. As well as his earlier book, More Than a Carpenter, that gives an excellent, succinct and logical argument for the divinity of Jesus of Nazareth (similar to the excellent argument by C.S. Lewis in his book Mere Christianity).

Here are my responses to the 10 questions based on my studies, experiences and “Act as If” framework:

1.       How did it all begin? (ie the beginning of the universe/creation)


Because I have chosen to “Act as If” the God that I described above, the One that I posit has eternally existed, I have also chosen to “believe”/“Act as IF” He is the entity that created all that exists. I project that it was His Action Force, that which proceeds from Him to Accomplish His Desire/Will, i.e. His “Word” (which is identified more specifically in the New Testament as “I AM Saves (Jesus/Ja-Sua)” through whom God the Father brought what we call our “universe” into existence.


I do not see that the method or timing of His accomplishing His creative endeavors as either scientifically or theologically “provable”.  Conveniently, is not necessary for the effectiveness of my “belief” /”Act as IF” system to have to “prove” this, still providing me with great hope, lack of judgement of myself or others, diminishment of fear of the present life or of any possible future life.  I am open to the possibility of any number of ways and timings of creation being the truth of what occurred. And I am open to the specific language of the Bible in this area being either symbolic of what occurred OR holding historically or scientifically accurate relevance related to what occurred.


2.       Why are we here?


I have come to my individual conclusion (and my life practice based on that conclusion) that I find reflected in many Bible passages including those below. 

·         “God is agape (in Greek, the kind of love specifically takes care of and cares about – in God’s case perfectly takes care of.  Agape is specifically different from the Greek philia or eros words that we also translate into English as “love”)” (I John 4:8; 1 John 4:16) God being Agape identifies that, at the core of His nature, God desires/wills/ordains to include in His existence the experience of giving, enjoying, and perfectly providing for His all of the creation that He has brought/brings into existence.

·         “Love (agape) never fails” I Corinthians 13:8

·         “I will accomplish all my good pleasure.” Isaiah 46:10

·         “For from out of Him and through Him and into Him is ALL.” (Romans 11:36)

·         “God made us so we could glorify Him and have fellowship with Him.” (1 John 1:1-3)

·         “[Even] every one that is called by my name (nature/identity), for I have created him for my glory, I have formed him; yea, I have made him. (Isaiah 43:7)

·         “And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth.” (Genesis 1:26) My understanding is that this statement of man being made into His likeness by God refers to man’s ultimate formation into the “likeness” of God rather than the “seed” of that ultimate product in Adam. Putting man “in dominion” over the earth was a part of the process, but NOT the ultimate goal of the process.   Since, once God “thinks”/desires something, it is assured of ultimately occurring, but may have various stages of development before the end product that He foresaw shows forth in its’ final reality.

·         “Thou art worthy, O Lord, to receive glory and honour and power: for thou hast created all things, and for thy pleasure they are and were created.” (Revelation 4:11)

·         “We ALL are the work of HIS Hands.” (Isaiah 64:8)

·         For we are His [ALL – see Is 64:8) workmanship, created in Christ Jesus unto good works (often things that we may see as opposite or much less than “good”, but God has designed for His ultimate purpose and therefore are perfectly “good” in His economy), which God hath before ordained that we should walk in them.” (Ephesians 2:10)

·         For by him were all things created, that are in heaven, and that are in earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones, or dominions, or principalities, or powers: all things were created by Him, and for Him.” (Colossians 1:16)

·         This people have I formed for myself; they shall shew forth my praise.” (Isaiah 43:21)

·         “I am the I AM ALWAYS AM and there is no other, the One forming light and creating darkness, the One bringing well-being and creating calamity.  I, the I AM ALWAYS AM do all these.” (Isaiah 45: 6-7)

·         For God so loved [agape’d – cared for and about] the world [kosmos – world/universe], that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in [Greek root -is persuaded into – it’s HIS responsibility to do this] Him should not perish, but have everlasting life. (John 3:16-17)

Again, I will continue to emphasize that I do not “Know”* that my perceptions are “truth”, but they contain sufficient logic, historical support, and emotional, relational and life benefit that I have found it immeasurably beneficial for myself to “Act as If” these things are what exist.  And as my grandmother used to say, “The proof of the pudding is in the eating.” – therefore, I can recommend this viewpoint to others in case they have not found something as satisfying and would like to try it.

3.       What is the Bible?


As I mentioned in the introduction to my personal answer to these questions (related to my interpretations of the Bible), I have found that there is sufficient historical evidence for me to give general credibility to what I see as the primary focus of the Bible: That a Personal Creator exists, perfectly “cares for and about” (agape’s) His creation and has created it all (through a very difficult and messy process from our earthly viewpoint), including all of mankind, to exist and fellowship in joy with Him eternally.  And I have found sufficient experiential evidence in myself for usefulness in me in practicing this view.


And if this is the case, He has ALSO chosen/ordained (for His purpose, which He has inadequately revealed at this historical point) to NOT be clear in our era as to all of the specifics of how He is accomplishing this…or even if He is there and the source of accomplishing it.  But again, I use my “Act as If” to support my practice, which, if He is There and is Who I vision, He has ordained for me/my path.


4.       Is there really such a thing as a miracle?

The Bible reports numerous “miracles” (see definitions of “miracle” in questions #4, Section I) in both the Old and the New Testament.  The most theologically important to me personally being Jesus raising from the dead.  But the others that are reported, for me, fit in logically & historically with the Biblical account.  Most (as in my response to: “How it all began”), I do not consider a necessity to my system of “Acting as If” the most wonderful deity and the most wonderful destiny (for ALL mankind) is what is “truth”.  But it is a useful component in the historical Biblical record that I have found to provide additional supportive and logical information for my accepting the accounts and supporting my “belief”/”Act as IF” view and practice.

Interestingly, Jesus said about His own “miracles” (raising the dead, healing the sick, feeding of the 5,000, giving sight to the blind, etc., etc.), “Do not believe me unless I do what My Father does.  But if I do it, even though you do not believe me, believe the miracles, that you may know and understand that the Father is in Me, and I in the Father.” John 10: 37-38.

And it appeared that it was substantially the “miracles” that convinced the people in large numbers that Jesus was either the “Messiah”, or some kind of special agent of God with miraculous powers. 

However, I find no credible accounts since the very early church (after the Book of Acts) of a person or a number of people being able to work “miracles”, at will and repeatedly, that would validate their version of the “truth” as The Truth.

It would definitely be VERY helpful in our era if God chose to reveal which truth was The Truth by accompanying and validating the message with repeatable “miracles”, if in fact it is His best plan for us to know what The Truth is at this time.  An interesting scripture to me that could give insight into this huge apparent omission on His part is: “For God has bound ALL men over to non-persuasion/non-faith (generally & poorly translated as “disobedience”) so that He may have mercy on them ALL.” Romans 11: 32.  And, for me, the scriptures substantiate that it is GOD”S RESPONSIBILITY to “persuade” us of His presence & nature.  For a further discussion of this area, see my blog articles: “Initiator versus Responder” (3/17/16) and “Are We the Fallen Angels?” (1/13/17).

5.       How do I please God?


My primary view is that it is not our “responsibility” to “please” God.  God is sufficient to always please Himself, has always done that, and will always do that.  “Declaring the end from the beginning, and from ancient times things that have not been done, saying, ‘My purpose will stand and I will accomplish ALL My good pleasure.’”


We are a part of the many ways in which He pleases Himself, since “…we are the clay and You the Former/Potter and the work of Your Hands are we ALL.”


God cannot fail (“Love/agape never fails” and “God is love/agape), so He cannot fail with each of us being the exact “work of His Hands” that He intended from the beginning of His thought of us – before He created the universe.


God’s two primary goals for each of us is 1) to have each of us a part of His eternal family 2) to make each of us into His “image” – each of us a unique expression of Himself because of the path that He specifically designed/ordained for each of us individually for this life.


6.       What about homosexuality?


·         Romans 3:10 “There is none righteous, no not one.”

·         1 John 2:1 “My dear children, I write this to you so that you will not “sin” [Greek – miss the mark – of God’s perfection].  But if ANYBODY does “sin” [miss the mark – of God’s perfection], we have one who speaks to the Father in our defense – Jesus Christ [Hebrew – I AM Saves Anointed], the Righteous ONE.”

·         Galatians 2:20 “I have been crucified with Christ and I no longer live but Christ lives in me. The life I live in the body, I live by the faith (persuasion) of the Son of God…

·         Is 64:6 “ALL of us have become as one who is unclean [lepers].  All our righteous acts are like dirty rags.”

·         Romans 5:18 “Consequently, just as the result of the one trespass was condemnation for ALL men, so also the result of one act of righteousness was justification that brings life for ALL men.”

·         Ephesians 2:8-9 “For it is by grace [Greek – gift] you have been saved through faith [Greek – persuasion] – and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God – not by works, so that no one can boast.  For we are God’s workmanship… “

·         1 Corinthians 6:9-10 “Do you not know that wrong doers will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived; neither the sexually immoral nor idolaters nor adulterers nor male prostitutes nor homosexual offenders, nor thieves nor the greedy nor drunkards nor slanderers [liars] nor swindlers will inherit the kingdom of God.  And that is what some of you were.  But you were washed, you were sanctified [Greek: set apart for special use], you were justified in the name [Hebrew – nature] of the Owner I AM Saves Anointed [poorer and incomplete translation: Lord Jesus Christ] and by the Spirit of our God.”

MY COMMENT ON THIS MISUSED, MISINTERPRETED PASSAGE: So, who are the “wrong-doers”? Who are the sexually immoral? [Matthew 5:28 “But I tell you that anyone who looks at a woman lustfully has already committed adultery with her in his heart.”] Who are the liars?  Who are the covetous?


Traditional Christianity has lifted homosexuality out of this passage without noticing that the other categories include ALL of us as not capable of “inheriting the kingdom” – without receiving it as a gift [“that no one should boast”].


Both the Old Testament laws and the even higher standard of behavior given by Jesus in the New Testament were to show us that, in our own efforts, it was impossible for any of us to “enter the Kingdom”.  Of ourselves, it would be impossible to “become as little children” – perfect trust of the Father (Matthew 18:3); we would have the impossible task of destroying any and all parts of our body that might transgress God’s perfection – and since that is any part of us, we would be left with nothing (Matthew 5:30); we would have the humanly impossible task, because of our fallen natures of caring for and about (agape love) for our neighbor in the same way in which we cared for and about ourselves (Matthew 22:39).


Another way of Jesus said it was: “Flesh is born of flesh, but spirit is born of the Spirit. Do not be amazed that I said, ‘You must be born again.’ (John 3:6-7)


Remember, ALL of OUR righteousness is like filthy rags – we only get to be sufficiently “righteous” to enter the “kingdom” as a gift (Greek – Xaris – free gift – inadequately translated as “grace” into English) by being a part of HIS own “body”/Spirit, the only bearer of absolute “righteousness”.  But since ALL of us are HIS handiwork, destined by Him to be one with Him as His ultimate plan and purpose, it’s a “done deal”!


Ephesians 2:8 “For it is by the free gift you have been rescued, through persuasion-and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God, not by works, so that no one can boast.… “


Concept of Names (natures/identities) written in the “book of life”. 

·         Revelation 20:15 “And if anyone's name was not found written in the book of life, he was thrown into the lake of fire.”

·         Revelation 3:5 “He who overcomes will thus be clothed in white garments; and I will not erase his name from the book of life, and I will confess (speak) his name (nature/identity) before My Father and before His angels.”

·         Revelation 21:27 “…and nothing unclean, and no one who practices abomination and lying, shall ever come into it, but only those whose names are written in the Lamb's book of life.”

·         Exodus 32: 33 "Whoever has sinned against Me, I will blot him out of My book.”

·         Psalm 139:16 “Your eyes have seen my unformed substance; and in Your book were all written the days that were ordained for me, When as yet there was not one of them.”

·         Revelation 13:8 “All who dwell on the earth will worship him, everyone whose name has not been written from the foundation of the world in the book of life of the Lamb who has been slain.”


I lean toward the likelihood that the only “name” (nature/identity) that is written in the “book of life” [remember that I AM Saves (Jah-sua) is the “life”] will be the I AM Saves.  BUT since we will ALL be in Him, we will have His life.


These and a multitude of other scriptures hold that it is God who has made each and every one of us for HIS purposes that we will only one day understand.  And that He has, for now, kept us from understanding His process or even “knowing” that His presence is there. 

1 Corinthians 13:12 “For now we see through a glass, darkly; but then face to face: now I know in part; but then shall I know even as also I am [fully] known.”


We no more understand why God has made homosexuality a part of our existence than we understand why He ordained cancer, warts, the holocaust, early death, painful diseases etc. etc.  We show our lack of humility under His Great Hand when we act like we understand what He has chosen, for now, to keep from us.


And we are emphatically told not to judge the other from the limited “light” that God has ordained for each of us individually.  Romans 12:3 “For by the grace given me I say to every one of you: Do not think of yourself more highly than you ought, but rather think of yourself with sober judgment, in accordance with the faith (persuasion)  God has distributed to each of you.”  And when we judge, we are not as truly judging each other as we are judging GOD, whose Handiwork we, everyone, and everything are.


7.       What about other faiths?


·         Romans 11:36 “For from out of Him and through Him and into Him is ALL.”

·         Isaiah 64:8 “…we are ALL the work of His Hands.”

·         Ephesians 2:8-9 For it is by grace you have been saved through faith (God’s persuasion), and this not from yourselves; it is the gift of God, not by works, so that no one can boast.…”

·         Psalm 145: 14-17 & 21 “The I AM ALWAYS AM is faithful to all his promises and loving toward all he has made.  The I AM ALWAYS AM upholds all those who fall and lifts up all who are bowed down. The eyes of all look to you, and you give them their food at the proper time.  You open your hand and satisfy the desires of every living thing.  The I AM Always AM is righteous in all his ways and loving toward all he has made.” “My mouth will speak in praise of the I AM ALWAYS AM.  Let every creature praise his holy name (unique identity/nature) forever and ever.

·         Romans 5:18 “Consequently, just as the result of the one trespass was condemnation for ALL men, so also the result of one act of righteousness was justification that brings life for ALL men.”

·         1 Corinthians 5:28 But when ALL things are subjected to Him (Jesus), then the Son Himself also will be subjected to the One who has subjected all things to Him (Jesus) that God may be ALL in ALL.

·         Rom 14:11, Numbers 14:21, Phil 2:10 Every knee shall bow and every tongue confess that I AM Saves is Owner, to the glory of God the Father.

·         Romans 11:32 “For God shut up ALL in non-persuasion (non-faith) that He may show mercy to ALL.”

!    Isaiah 25:7-8 And on this mountain He will swallow up the covering which is over ALL peoples, Even the veil which is stretched over ALL nations. He will swallow up death for all time, And the Lord GOD will wipe tears away from ALL faces, And He will remove the reproach of His people from ALL the earth; For the LORD has spoken.

Poor Biblical translations from the original Greek and Hebrew into Latin and then English, and even poorer and more inaccurate interpretations resulted in the horrendous and false current concept of “Hell”.  The Hebrew, Sheol (the only word in the Old Testament translated as “hell”) means “the grave”.  In the New Testament the 3 words translated “hell” are Gehenna, Tartarus, and Hades.  Hades is the equivalent of the Old Testament “Sheol” meaning only the grave.  Gehenna is the Valley of Hinon that was outside of Jerusalem and was a trash dump (Jesus did warm that if we even called a brother – “Worthless” “Raca”, we would be in danger of needing some more trash burned off of us by God’s process of “refining” us into His image.


Many traditional Christians interpret the following scripture as meaning that an individual must recognize Jesus as God and Savior, in order for him to arrive in heaven via “the Way”: “I am the Way (Greek, hodos - road) the Truth and the Life.  No one comes to the Father but by Me.” If Jesus, the Father and the Holy Spirit are “One”, the sentence could also be written “No one comes to the Father but by the Father.” Or “no one comes to the Father but by the Holy Spirit.”  Jesus is not separate from the Father and Holy Spirit.  Humans may define their hope beyond this life in terms of Islam, Judaism, Shintoism, etc., etc. or atheism.  A person does not need to know that the “way”/road by which he comes to the Father is Jesus/The Father/The Holy Spirit in order to get there.  If a child falls asleep on the couch and his parent carries him to bed, in the morning when he awakes, he may say, “Daddy, how did I get here?”  It was the Father who carried him, but it did not require that he know/recognize that in order for him to be carried to bed.  If in fact we arrive in “heaven” after this life, none of us will really recognize “The Way” via which we arrived, “The Truth” of All that God is, or “The Life” that we have now been given until God reveals it accurately to us on that side.  “Now I know in part; then I shall know fully as I am fully known.”


Review The lamb’s "book of life" – whose name [Hebrew-nature/identity] will be written there – in the #6 r/t wrongdoing, homosexuality, lying, etc., etc.?


8.       What about women?

In our human species, males and females appear to have some specific differences based on genetics and biology (both physically and emotionally).  But similarly, every human being differs specifically from every other human being physically psychologically, emotionally.  We are EACH UNIQUE.  Interestingly, the Greek word that is translated into the Latin and then into English as “holy” means literally “set apart for special use”.  Including this applying to a “Holy” God.  Perhaps if we used the word “unique” for this characteristic, we would be closer to the “truth”.

So if we were to regard every human (and every part of creation) as a “unique” (set apart for a specific purpose in God’s plan) tool of God ie. Isaiah 64:8“…we ALL are the work of Your Hand.”

Various religious writings and traditions have strong (or weaker) views of the “roles” of men and women in the “church” and in life.

What if we were simply to view each person as an individual and see each and every one as God’s Handiwork for His purposes (from our limited view - the “good”, the “bad” and the ugly”)? Rather than categorizing them based on their gender, IQ, education, material possessions what if we were to seek to help them find their strongest “use” in this life via the intellectual capacity, the life experiences, the physical capacities, etc. that GOD has given them?  But the MOST important thing would be that we VIEWED them as ordained by God with their weaknesses and strengths for HIS purposes, knowing they did not choose any of their capacities themselves?

I am DEFINITELY not advocating that government take over this role by taking the money/goods from one person to give another.

So few people who advocate this as “government’s” place forget the quotation in Lincoln’s Second Inaugural Address that referred to slavery: “It may seem strange that men should dare to ask a just God’s assistance in wringing their bread from the sweat of other men’s faces…” They do not consider that this is what our “welfare” state has mandated and mandates more and more.

I am talking about each and every one of us (and if we have arranged ourselves in encouragement groups) to voluntarily do this as we are able and as our trust of God for our ultimate spiritual best both in this life and our ultimate destiny after this life matures. Luke 3:11 “And he would answer and say to them, "The man who has two tunics is to share with him who has none; and he who has food is to do likewise."

Yes, our own human self-protectiveness will mean that we will always fall short of this due to our ordained (by God for His time-period and purpose of refining us in His ways) fleshly nature.  But that should be the standard that we challenge ourselves and our fellows with, without soft-peddling it.  Even Jesus said, “The poor you will always have with you.”  It is part of our nature and part of the nature of the existence that HE has ordained for us on this earth.

But what about some of the statements in the Bible about the role of women in the church?  I view these generally as similar to the guideline that women in the church must wear head coverings.  Along with many other practices mentioned in the early church, it seems we have departed from many, and added many that did not exist at the time (paid preachers, large buildings, etc. etc.) but some churches continue to hold to the prohibitions about women.  I do not.

Marriage: there do seem to me to be some wise and specific ways that a marriage relationship works best that are discussed in the Bible.  But it really only can function well for men and women who hope in a God who is Sovereign, trust that this life is only the “refiner’s fire” for the next “real life”, and wish to practice a relationship that honors God’s agenda the best, nurtures each other in practicing what they have been given as His agenda, and may allow them to be more useful to other suffering humanity.  The idea that women are supposed to be “submissive” to their husbands is emphasized by many Christian groups, ignoring entirely that the husband, as “initiator”, is to: “Husbands, love (agape – care for/care about) your wives, just as Christ loved (agape’d – cared for/cared about) the church and gave himself up for her.” (Ephesians 5:25)  If you are interested in more specifics on how I view the basic guidelines for this unique relationship, see my blog article, of 3/17/16, “Initiator versus Responder”.

So coming back to the question posed: What about women?  I believe my short answer is treat everyone as a unique creation of God (and not of themselves), without regard to any category into which they might fall.  Knowing that they are (each and every one) God’s Handiwork, that they have not chosen their capabilities, strengths, weaknesses, genetics or experiences; That they are ALL His unique tools for His agenda; That are as ordained by God for His purposes.  So, do your best to encourage them (male, female, good, bad, ugly, wise, foolish, etc.) in the best use of what God has given to them as their role in His will, taking good care of yourself (“agape your brother as yourself”) as His ordained tool also, trusting/living in hope that we will all ultimately be perfect in the unique image of Him that He has dreamed for us.

9.       What happens after we die?


Although books like Lessons from the Light mentioned above, encourage me. For myself, I can only speak in HOPE.  I do not believe that either I, or anyone has verifiable “proof” of what comes after this life.  But some of the following support my hope:

·         Romans 5:18 “Consequently, just as the result of the one trespass was condemnation for ALL men, so also the result of one act of righteousness was justification that brings life for ALL men.”

·         1 Corinthians 13:8 “Agape (God’s caring for/about) never fails”; 1 John 4:8 “God is Agape (caring for/ about).”

·         Romans 11:32 “For from out of Him and through Him and into Him is ALL.”

·         John 14:2 "In My Father's house are many dwelling places; if it were not so, I would have told you; for I go to prepare a place for you.”

·         2 Corinthians 5:1 “We know that if the earthly tent we live in is torn down, we have a building in heaven that comes from God, an eternal house not built by human hands.”

·         1 Corinthians 2:9 “Rather, as it is written: ‘No eye has seen, no ear has heard, no heart has imagined, what God has prepared for those who love (agape) Him.’”  [Remember, only I AM Saves (Jah Sua) really knows and has seen the Father, so He is the only one that is capable of true agape (care for/about) for the Father.  But the good news is that He is in us and we are in Him. Acts 17:28 “In Him we live and are moved about and have our existence.” Galatians 2:20 “…it is no longer I who live but Christ (Greek -anointed) lives in me and the life that I now live in the flesh I live by the faith/persuasion of the Son of God…”

·         1 Corinthians 15:28 “When He (the Son) has done this, then the Son Himself will be made subject to Him (the Father) who put everything under Him (the Son), so that God may be all in all.

·         2 Corinthians 5:8 “We are confident, then, and would prefer to be away from the body and at home with the Owner (Lord, Master).”

·         Philippians 2: 10-11 “So that at the nature/identity of I AM Saves (Ja Sua) every knee shall bow, in heaven and on earth and under the earth, and every tongue confess that I AM Saves, Anointed, is Owner, to the glory of God the Father.”

·         Psalm 150:6 “Let every thing that has breath (God’s Spirit) praise I AM Always AM. You praise I AM Always AM!”

·         Joel 2:28 "It will come about after this that I will pour out My Spirit on all mankind; And your sons and daughters will prophesy, Your old men will dream dreams, Your young men will see visions.” Also Acts 2:17

·         Revelation 5:13 “Then I heard every creature in heaven and on earth and under the earth and on the sea, and all that is in them, saying: "To him who sits on the throne and to the Lamb be praise and honor and glory and power, for ever and ever!"

·         Isaiah 11:9 “And they will neither harm nor destroy on all my holy mountain, for the earth will be filled with the knowledge of the I AM Always AM as the waters cover the sea.”

·         John 11:25 “Jesus said unto her, I AM the resurrection (rising into existence) and the life; he that is persuaded into me (HIS job to accomplish, not ours – and His timing), though he is dead, yet shall he live…”

·         Isaiah 55:11 “…so is my Word that goes out from my mouth: It will not return to me empty, but will accomplish what I desire and achieve the purpose for which I sent it.”

·         John 1:1-4 “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. The same was in the beginning with God. All things were made by him; and without him was not any thing made that was made. In him was life; and the life was the light of men.”

·         John 19/30 “It is finished/completed/repaid/perfected”

·         John 1:29 “The next day John saw Jesus coming toward him and said, "Look, the Lamb of God, who takes away the missing the mark (of God’s perfection) of the world (Greek kosmos – world/universe)!”

·         Revelation 21:4 “He will wipe every tear from their eyes. There will be no more death or mourning or crying or pain, for the old order of things has passed away."

·         Isaiah 49:15 "Can a woman forget her nursing child And have no compassion on the son of her womb? Even these may forget, but I will not forget you. Behold, I have inscribed you on the palms of My hands…”

·         Psalm 23: 1 “The I AM Always AM is my (our) Shepherd I (we) have NO LACK.”

·         Psalm 23 “Even though I walk through the Valley of the Shadow of Death (this life), I will fear NO evil.”

·         Psalm 91:9-10 “For you have made the I AM Always AM, my refuge, even the Most High, your dwelling place. No evil will befall you, Nor will any plague come near your tent.

·         Deuteronomy 31:6 “The I AM Always AM himself goes before you and will be with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged.”

·         Psalm 121: 3-7 “He will not suffer thy foot to be moved: he that keepeth thee will not slumber. Behold, he that keepeth Israel shall neither slumber nor sleep. The I AM Always AM is thy keeper: the LORD is thy shade upon thy right hand. The sun shall not smite thee by day, nor the moon by night. The I AM Always AM shall preserve thee from all evil/harm; he shall preserve thy soul (personality/personhood). The I AM Always AM shall preserve thy going out and thy coming in from this time forth, and even for evermore.


10.   How will it all end?

If this refers to the world/universe, I can only speculate/imagine.   But I am not particularly concerned about the physical world/universe.  I am concerned about all of humanity, creatures, and anything that has awareness (but who knows, stars and sand may have conversations and relationships with us then.  But I find it most useful to dream/vision the very best ending for us ALL based on my hopes, my studies, my experiences, and Acting as if” the very best Creator is there. And since He would have had to dream the very best destiny in His Goodness, Love (agape-care) and Power, if He is there, it is a certainty.   And to quote a message from the 12 –Step programs: “Would you rather be right, or would you rather be happy?”  So I get to practice that He is there and even more wonderful (with our destiny even more wonderful) than I can possibly imagine.


I encourage you, if God leads, to explore and experiment with my vision and practice.  Rejoicing for ALL (especially when it sucks!)
