Tuesday, January 3, 2017


Are We the Fallen Angels?

Things I have wondered along these lines:

There are so many humans who “hunger and thirst” for hope beyond this life.  Yet there are hundreds and possibly millions of versions of what life or God is about.  And there is no verifiable/repeatable material “proof” of what/whose version is correct [at least not in the last 2,000 years].  If it is correct that “if a son asks his father for a loaf of bread, he doesn’t give him a snake…”  “Ask and it shall be given. Seek and ye shall find.  Knock and the door shall be opened to you.” With so many “hungering and thirsting”, why does it seem that they are NOT given what they need spiritually ie a clear knowing of who God is and what His plan and purposes are?

Yet if God exists and is “in charge” and “nothing can thwart His Plan.”, then what we are seeing/experiencing in each of our lives IS His Perfect Will and Plan for each of us individually.  Yet, we do seem, as Jesus said “Like sheep without a shepherd.”  As humans we have widely divergent ideas/theories/practices that we have invented or to which we subscribe [again, with no evidential, material “proof” currently] with which to comfort ourselves or show ourselves and/or others who is correct.  AND we often use our divergent views to judge, vilify, abuse and often even slaughter others (and even ourselves) who define their idea for what life is about/hope in future existence/God differently than we do.

Following Jesus death, his “disciples” were often given miraculous powers to PROVE that the God of which they spoke was the True God.  Even Jesus, challenged by the Jews said, “The miracles that I do in my Father’s name (nature) speak for me.” And “Do not believe me unless I do what my Father does…But if I do it, even though you do not believe me, believe the miracles that you may know and understand that the Father is in me and I am in the Father.”  So there is good support to NOT believe someone’s theology that cannot demonstrate it being truth via consistent, repeatable miracles.

But using Jesus’ own standard, in the last ~2000 years, there is NO ONE who has reliably shown, via miracles, that they KNOW the nature/function/plan of the True God.  So, the standard that Jesus gave – by which one can KNOW which God is the real God/which meaning is the true meaning of life and what may follow this life, has not been given by God [if He is indeed there] since the first century.

Similarly, in the case of Moses going to Pharaoh, Pharaoh was correct in NOT believing Moses without the God that Moses represented showing, in miraculous ways, that He was who He said He was.  And God intentionally “hardened Pharaoh’s heart” so that He could repeatedly show with additional miracles that He was the I AM Always AM (YHWH) and in this way show to both Israel and the Egyptians that HE was the True God.

So what’s up with this?  It seems to me that if there is a God, represented in the Bible as absolute love, wisdom, power, sovereignty – He has chosen to remain specifically silent in ways that we could verify in our earthly physical form and with our physical capacities in the last ~2000 years.

Again, what’s up with this? 

·         Scriptures seem to support that followers of Jesus anticipated his return in their lifetime

·         Scriptures seem to support that ALL [men, animals, creation – including the spirits that “rebelled”] would be ultimately united with God through the work of Jesus (I AM saves) Christ (Messiah/Anointed). (“For from out of Him and through Him and Into Him is ALL.”)

·         Scriptures seem to support that the responsibility for uniting creation to Himself lies with God Himself (“Jesus, the author/beginner and finisher/completer of our persuasion/faith.” – and many more supportive references).

·         It seems that rather than giving all of we lost sheep a “shepherd” and letting us recognize and follow Him, God has chosen to remain silent and unproven for the last 2000 years

The following is my speculation; however, it has significant elements that seem logical to me and seem to have support in scripture:

·         Could Jesus, as his followers seemed to anticipate, have returned and reunited the whole race of Adam [humans from the time of Adam to Christ] with God following the completion of what we have accepted as the Bible?

·         In order to bring the “fallen angels” back into the “family”, was it important that they experienced the existence that they had unleashed [according to God’s ultimate plan/ordination] on the human race through Adam?

·         Is it important to the “purification”/ “refining” of the “fallen angels” into God’s image, that they experience the challenge that Lucifer (followed by the rest of the rebellious spirits) that they tossed in God’s face [and then offered to Adam] that “You can be like [equal to] God”  “You said in your heart, ‘I WILL ascend to heaven; I will raise my throne above the stars of God; I will sit enthroned on the mount of assembly, on the utmost heights of the sacred mountain.  I will ascend above the tops of the clouds; I will make myself like the Most High.’”??

·         Is it possible that these spirits, in order to have the matter settled for each of their individual preparation for a contented and joyful eternity, experience the material world with the premise that they thought they wanted… and to which they lured Adam? An existence where they each determined their own destiny via their own will [or at least their perception that this was the case] with NO Higher Authority than themselves?

·         In order for this to be their experience, is it possible that God has given them a “classroom” [this earthly existence] where this is how it appears and feels to them/us; hence absence of any appearance/demonstration/communication of who He/God is or that He exists?

It would seem to me that this would be a logical explanation for God’s silence [rather than His demonstrating His presence via the “proof” that Jesus said had been given to that generation] in our experience for the last 2000 years.

A couple scriptures to tease you with along these lines:

·         John 10:16 “I have other sheep.  They are not of this sheep pen.  I must bring them also.”

·         II Peter 2:4 “So if God did not spare angels (Greek: messengers) when they missed the mark [of His Perfection], but to chains of darkness thrust them down to Tartarus [?Could this be this earthly existence, The Valley of the Shadow of death, The Refiner’s Fire?], delivered and kept them for His right decision[?their own purification to make them fit for His completed family?].”

So, although I cannot say that I KNOW the existence, nature and plan of the Creator [including whether we are the “fallen angels”]– anymore than anyone else can, without Jesus standard of “if you do not believe my words, believe my works”, I think it is an interesting and plausible speculation that WE ARE [the current human race] the “fallen angels”, being “purified” through this earthly existence [chains of darkness] by having no evidential experience of any other than ourselves in charge of our destiny…ie each being our own “god” or inventing our own “god” in the absence of material “proof” that we, or whatever we have invented/been persuaded of by other men who have no “proof”, are not.

So, in the absence of a more concrete revelation of God, I “Act as if” the most lovely God of MY hope is there…and try to practice that in my earthly life.  And if I am a “fallen angel”, I am already convinced that I don’t want to be God.  I want Him to run the show, as I trust He does and as I trust He always has done eternally.     
